The top 100 novels

There are loads of  book lists to be found, top books of all time, from the C20th, written in English…so why did I choose this one?

1. It looked like a challenge. A big, scary, daunting, slightly overwhelming challenge. And one I’m still not sure I can achieve.

2. There were very few books on there I have read. I’m ashamed, I admit. I own several of them. Number 1, Ulysses has been on my bookshelf for more than a decade. I bought it in Dublin, fancied myself reading it on trains and buses across Europe. I’ve never got past page 3.

3. There are lots of books on there I WANT to read.

4. There are lots of books on there I have never heard of.

5. I want that sense of acheivement  of reading books that I may not necessarily enjoy, but that challenge and stretch me and make my book-brain think again.

So here we go. I’m off to get number 100.


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2 responses to “The top 100 novels

  1. Love this! I cannot wait to follow your progress. Good for you for biting off such a huge project. You’re gonna love this.

  2. Ah, what an incredible challenge to take on. I agree, good for you. Here’s to a new sense of enlightenment after the last page of book #100.

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